Today we will touch on a more intimate component, namely intimate problems in men, folk remedies for increasing potency that modern drugs offer, and we will give useful recommendations on how not to despair, but to overcome this psychological problem.
Male failure as a psychological problem
Representatives of the stronger half of humanity, regardless of age, can have potency problems for various reasons. We note right away that in 99% of 100 cases, problems in intimate life are considered due to psychological factors. This does not have the best effect on the psychological state of men.
Therefore, at the slightest disruption in the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Timely medical intervention ensures that sexual activity remains normal.

Potency – how to increase it at home
The use of traditional methods to restore potency is widespread. They are actively used in our time. At the same time, many people are concerned with the question of which recipes will have the greatest effect and quickly get rid of this problem.
Before resorting to traditional medicine, consultation with an experienced specialist is essential. Reduced potency can be a sign of another serious disease (prostatitis, prostate adenoma). In addition, the use of medicinal herbs to increase libido can simply cause an allergic reaction in the body.
Modern medicine recommends a modern Israeli drug, patented drops based on ginseng, Peruvian maca, ginkgo biloba and Greek fenugreek.
Medicinal herbs to increase libido
Is it possible for a man to improve his potency using folk recipes? Yes, of course! The ability of medicinal herbs to influence the restoration of blood circulation, dilate blood vessels and provide smooth muscle is well known. In most cases, blood congestion and inflammatory processes in the prostate have a negative effect on male potency and reduce it. The act of love becomes impossible due to the flaccid and soft state of the male organ. Herbs used in folk recipes increase libido, relieve various congestion in the body and ensure the elimination of possible infections.
Nettle for male power
A well-known infusion is a decoction of nettles. To prepare it, 100 g of herbs are chopped and poured with 300 ml of boiling water. The decoction is taken three times a day before meals. Nettle contains components that stimulate urogenital function and improve metabolism. You can also combine equal amounts of wine (preferably red wine), honey, and nettle seeds. The procedure for taking it is the same as the first time, namely from nettle.
The effectiveness of treatment with such methods is clearly noticeable after 50 years.
Restoration of potency through ginseng root
Ginseng root can restore lost male strength and stimulate in the right direction. Taking a teaspoon of crushed root (half a tablespoon) and honey (two tablespoons) four times a day helps increase libido.
Thyme – First Assistant
The herb thyme is also quite useful for men's health. It serves preventive purposes. Its main component, zinc, normalizes hormone production and prevents the development of adenomas, prostatitis and impotence. To do this, you need to take a tincture of 100 g of dry thyme during the day and pour 200 g of boiling water over it.
Calamus rhizomes make men giants of love
A positive treatment result will not be long in coming if you also use calamus. The effect of taking it is quite high. In order for intimate life not to fail, it is necessary to chew the calamus rhizome like chewing gum at least three times a day. Or let 2 tablespoons steep with 150 ml of vodka for three days. spoon of the roots of this herb. And then take 10 drops 3 times. As mentioned above, it is very important for men who have reached the age of 50 to 60 to use these tips. If you regularly take calamus, the hardness of the organ, which is so dear to all representatives of the stronger sex, increases significantly.
St. John's wort above all misfortune
The medicinal herb St. John's wort stimulates normal blood circulation in men. The decoction is prepared as follows: pour 100 g into 300 ml of water and boil for ten minutes. Every other day they drink 50 g 3-4 times. Parsnips are known for their general strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties. Leaves of the herb (100 g) are poured with boiling water and consumed like tea after steeping for three hours.
If you are overweight, this may be one of the problems of reduced potency.
Recipe for youth with rowan and rose hips
The following folk recipes restore metabolic and circulatory disorders:
- Rowan – 150 g, rosehip – 50 g, gooseberry leaves – 50 g, water – 1 l. Let everything boil for twenty minutes and drink a glass three times a day.
- Roasted hemp seeds (1 teaspoon) should be consumed before meals.
Three to four days after such procedures, male strength will regain its lost form. You can infuse Dubrovnik (200 g) in vodka (400 ml) for three days. Then take 30 drops five times a day before meals. Taking tinctures, a healthy lifestyle and other methods will give you the desired result immediately within a week. Take 250 ml of boiling water and pour it over the anemone (100 g of herb). Use this composition no more than twice a day in the amount of one teaspoon. Overdose is unacceptable due to the toxicity of this plant.
Rhodiola – recovery in three days
It only takes three days for your sexual abilities to be fully restored. Boil the Rhodiola rosea root in water on a steam bath for ten minutes. The required ratio is 1: 2. This should be drunk 100 ml three times a day. Over 40 years old is exactly the age at which it is really worth thinking about the relevance of this method.
Garlic – as a pleasure stimulant
Taking garlic daily also has the best effect in maintaining potency at a level sufficient for your own peace of mind. Preventing the development of cancer, dilating blood vessels and restoring sexual activity are some of the few areas in which it has an impact. Garlic, rich in phytoncides, strengthens the performance of the prostate. Two cloves of garlic per day is the optimal amount.
If you suffer from bad breath, eat lemon afterwards to neutralize it. Drinking milk with garlic increases male self-esteem. To do this, grind it in 1 tbsp. Spoon and add 250 ml milk. Heat over low heat for two minutes and then strain. Take 2 tablespoons after meals. If men over forty follow these tips, the strength of their important organ will not diminish for a long time.
honey and propolis
In order not to suffer a fiasco in the marriage bed and to preserve the strength of the male organ, our ancestors often used products from beekeeping. To achieve this, men had to keep honey and walnuts in their diet throughout the day. In addition, to improve erection, the following composition was prepared: beekeeping products were crushed, poured with vodka, maintaining a ratio of one to two. The homogeneous mass was infused for two weeks with occasional shaking. The strained composition, 35 drops, was added to a glass of milk and taken before meals.
After squeezing, a waxy cake often remains. It can also be used as a rectal suppository to increase libido in men. This is a fairly effective remedy that can be made at home. Everything is very simple. Take equal amounts of wax cake and vodka and boil them in a water bath. The composition should thicken and take on a dark brown hue. After that, add pork or badger fat (1: 1), stir and remove from heat. Place the formed candles in the refrigerator for a day. Then use as directed.
Sometimes healers recommend adding aloe juice to candles. To do this, take a plant that is more than three years old, chop its leaves finely and squeeze out the juice. Beforehand, they are first placed in the freezer for six hours. Healers are confident that in this case the maximum benefit of the substances contained in aloe is ensured. Two tablespoons of this juice are added to the composition for making candles for men.
It only takes a week to feel the noticeable improvements in male strength. However, do not forget that if you are allergic to bee products, you definitely cannot use these methods. The ages between 40 and 60 are most suitable for carrying out the above measures. The process of restoring male potency after treatment occurs quite quickly. The stress caused by sexual impotence disappears.
Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis
Another miracle cure for boosting self-confidence is pumpkin seeds. Skepticism about this method is wrong. The components contained in pumpkin seeds can quickly restore effectiveness. To do this, they are crushed raw and mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. During the day you should take this composition 1 tablespoon 6 times.
Pumpkin oil also has the ability to cure this unpleasant ailment in men. In addition, it is also recommended for restoring female potency. Zinc is a substance contained in pumpkin oil and is vital for men. It has a positive effect on sufficient hormone production and restores libido.
Thanks to zinc, among other things, the normal functioning of the prostate is ensured and reproductive function is prepared to the right level for the reproduction of offspring. This important component contained in pumpkin oil restores potency, is relevant in prostatitis, is a powerful antioxidant and is recommended as an anti-inflammatory drug. The oil tastes quite pleasant, so take 1 teaspoon. 3 times a day does not cause any discomfort. The duration of treatment is two months. However, noticeable improvements can be felt within four days of starting to take the product.
A fairly effective method, according to many traditional healers, is enemas with the addition of pumpkin oil. This procedure should be carried out both in the morning and in the evening. The optimal amount of oil is 100 grams. It ensures the normal functioning of the prostate and strengthens male strength. By the way, it is recommended to stop smoking for a while.
However, in addition to psychological reasons, there are sometimes medical failures in the male body.
This can lead to a rather unpleasant and even dangerous disease such as prostatitis. This disease affects the male organs, almost every second man. It is very important not to miss this.
The use of medication is currently recommended as a preventative measure. One of them has proven itself well: a drug based on an extract from the roots of the Leuzea thistle, and it is probably one of the best sexual enhancers today.
Aspen bark – increases libido in 5 seconds
If a representative of the strong half of humanity suddenly notices in one moment a significant weakening of his abilities in bed, the question of methods and means of changing this state will constantly float in his head. A good helper in increasing female and male potency is aspen bark. It can relieve inflammation and pain and strengthen the general condition of the body. It is also used as a diuretic and antifungal. Phagocytes and flavonoids contained in conifers are actively used to prepare various decoctions. In addition, these tinctures are recommended for representatives of both sexes.
The elements strengthen immunity, ensure normal blood circulation, have a positive effect on the respiratory system, have a calming effect and increase libido. Very often stress, fears and negative emotional outbursts are the causes of reduced male strength.
Aspen bark helps improve stamina and restore libido. Within six days, a man can feel significant changes in his virility and a lasting erection. Decoctions from aspen bark have practically no contraindications. It should only not be used if you have allergies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The astringent property of aspen bark suggests that in case of stomach ulcers, consultation with a specialist is necessary. This waste product, given to us by nature, is excellently used in the preparation of decoctions and tinctures, as well as various extracts. Many experts interested in traditional medicine even recommend chewing the bark, saying that such an action can lead to a positive result.
Recipes with aspen bark
The most famous recipes are:
- Pour 200 grams of bark with a liter of boiling water. After an hour you can take 100 ml three times a day. The shelf life of this decoction is no more than two days.
- Mix equal amounts of aspen bark and propolis extract. Use 1 tbsp three times a day. Spoon.
- Soak aspen bark in alcohol for two weeks. Take 50 g before meals.
If a man notices a decrease in libido, he must definitely use the above-mentioned means and methods of traditional medicine. They really have a positive effect and show excellent results.
At the same time you can do massages or gymnastics. However, if you do not want to harm your health, you still need to see a doctor first.
Only regularity and consistency in the use of traditional methods contributes to increasing potency and is effective for men. We should not forget that all these tips have only auxiliary and preventive measures. If the diagnosis shows that there is a more serious disease (adenoma or prostatitis), folk remedies cannot be used as the main source of treatment.
Therefore, in order to quickly restore your health, discuss with a specialist what methods you use so that your sex life does not turn into an annoying misunderstanding for you.
We gave you good advice on how to increase potency in men using folk remedies. Nevertheless, the use of the above-mentioned, already patented drugs is more effective and safer than decoctions and tinctures of our own production. Love and be strong always!